Runnymede Community Church supports various missionaries serving in unique ministries here in the GTA and around the globe! 

Matt & Caitlin Windsor
Wycliffe - Kingfisher Lake First Nation

Windsor family

Matt & Caitlin are both from the Comox Valley, B.C., where they met at a local youth program. Having experienced God through scripture, Matt was moved to pursue the field of Bible translation as a teenager. After the events of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the couple joined Wycliffe in 2015 with a vision to partner with the indigenous Church in Canada. They have four children and have lived in Kingfisher Lake since 2018.

The Windsors work in partnership with Kingfisher Lake First Nation in northern Ontario to help local church leaders translate the Bible into Oji-Cree. Their role includes training indigenous Bible translators, developing literacy materials for indigenous-language education, and helping the community plan for how to keep their language strong.

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  • That God will lead the right people in Kingfisher Lake to join the team as Bible translators.

  • Pray for the Kingfisher Lake Bible translators, that God will continue to give them wisdom and insight as they translate His Word.

  • Pray for the spiritual healing of Indigenous communities in northwestern Ontario.

Make a Direct Donation to the Windsors
Jared Mortley
Toronto - Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Canada


Jared is a High School Campus Minister and Camp Director with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, serving in Toronto high schools and at Pioneer Camp Ontario. He loves playing music, spending time outdoors and going on adventures with his wife and two children. 

Jared loves to help youth understand God's love for them, and to see them grow in their gifts and in leadership in the Church and at school. Jared's ministry involves helping students to run Christian clubs in their schools, equipping the student leaders to share Jesus with their friends and to help them see how they can follow Jesus in every part of their lives. At camp he directs the Leaders In Training (LIT) program for grade 11 and 12 students. The focus is to help them learn to lead by following the example of Jesus as humble, servant leaders. 

  • For this summer's LIT program: for great staff, that God would clearly show us what we should focus on in the curriculum this summer, for many students to apply and be impacted by the program.

  • For access to schools and good relationships with administration and teachers.

  • For more partnerships with local churches. 

  • For students to know the love of Jesus and to be transformed by their relationship with Him.

Make a Direct Donation to Jared
Kathy Gooch
South Africa - Youth With A Mission

Kathy Gooch

Kathy ("Mama K" to the young people in South Africa) was born and raised in Ontario, and she joined Youth With A Mission as a full-time volunteer missionary in 1996. Most of her ministry has been with young people, including leading YWAM Discipleship Training Schools and taking students on short-term overseas missions trips. While living in Zimbabwe for ten years, Kathy helped to launch a prayer movement at her church centered around the spheres of society. She has also pioneered and developed an ECE diploma programme through her church’s college, taught up-and-coming leaders, travelled and taught on various Biblical topics in Southern and East-Central Africa, mentored and discipled young people, and has been a spiritual mother to many. She also served as a lay pastor for a church plant in Cape Town for a few years.

Kathy now ministers to University of Cape Town students who attend her church. She has written a book to help young people on their journey with Jesus, organizes day events and weekend retreats for young women, teaches, preaches, provides lay counselling, and serves as a spirital mama to a multitude.

Kathy has also recorded a song to encourage and inspire others (listen HERE). Kathy had this to say about the origins of  "Shadows - You Felt My Pain": Mental health issues and suicides are on the increase all over the world. We are the ones to bring God’s kingdom message of hope to the hurting. This is one way that Daddy God led me to do so using my own story. I wrote a song in 1996 as Daddy God wanted to minister to me regarding an event I had experienced when I was around 17 years old. I wrote it and left it in the archives. In 2019 He prompted me to take the song out of the archives and revise it. I did that with the help of a UCT student from Namibia who also goes to my church and he also sings with me. In 2020 I got the help of two young men who attend my church to add guitar and keyboard and mix the song. I believe Daddy God wants to use this song to minister to the multitudes who are hurting and even wondering where Jesus is in their pain. Please have a listen and pass it onto anyone you believe would be ministered to by it - especially anyone you think needs to know they are not a shadow anymore.

Read Kathy's Blog See Kathy Speak
  • That Kathy won’t become weary of doing good; that she would remain connected to the Vine (Jesus); remain in fellowship with others; remain strengthened and energized; remain hopeful in prayer- for her personal desires and God’s promises and for the healing and salvation of those she prays for.

  • That Kathy would raise the poor and needy out of the ash heap in practical ways and through teaching and prayer so they will inherit a seat of honour (1 Samuel 2:8; Psalm 113:7). That those she ministers to will receive God’s love for them and choose to journey with Jesus through their ups, downs and all arounds. That their sad but sacred stories would be used to inspire others not to give in or to give up.

Make a Direct Donation to the Kathy (#1,2,4 only; designate to Kathryn Gooch GK01)

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20