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Sunday Worship, May 1, 2022: From Confusion to Clarity: On Communion
Sunday, May 1, 2022
Notes & Handouts
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Pastor J-M shares about his own journey from confusion to clarity regarding the core meaning of Communion. Some key things to take from 1 Corinthians 11:17-33: 
  • Communion is communal, not personal. There is absolutely a place for personal confession, but it was never the central part of celebrating communion in the early church. We come to communion with others, not alone!  Unity in the Spirit is key.
  • Communion is celebratory, not penitential. Sometimes called the Eucharist (literally “Great Thanksgiving”), communion is the remembrance of “Jesus' death until he comes.” It is equally about his triumph over the grave and his ascension to heaven. It’s about his body, created by the Spirit out of people from every tribe and nation.
  • Communion is about connection, not performance. Unity with the Trinity, unity with his people, the church, should be our focus. Moral perfection is never a condition of coming into Jesus' Kingdom or celebrating its King. The table is a table of grace, not of condemnation.